IBAN: HU58107004577236818551100005
Registration number: 01-02-0017487
Tax number: 19286536-1-41
We are determined to operate our association not only in Hungary, but also internationally, so that we can help as many children and their families in need abroad!
Our association was founded on November 6, 2020. We were founded with the aim of providing help and support to children, young people and their families in need on the margins of society!
The future goal of our association is to become international in a short time. In several countries and continents our representations and partner organizations help us to reach our goals!
Helping children and young people to maintain their mental health and develop their skills.
Promoting equal opportunity and well-being for children and youth.
Ensure talent search among children and youth.
Contributing to the preservation of health and the prevention of diseases, especially through the organization of sports activities.
Creation own or run by the club sports center.
Creation own or operated by the association recreation center.
Contributing to young people's mental health and their rejection of alcohol and drug use.
Contribution to crime prevention and against violent behavior and crimes against children and young people.
Recruitment and coordination of volunteers, collaboration with professionals dealing with this target group.
Supporting sick children and their families through financial and psychological help.
Supporting families and children in need.
Organisation of events for fundraising purposes.
Organisation of lectures for educational purposes.
Organisation of courses and professional circles for educational purposes.
Managing and promoting young talent.
Organisation of crime prevention programmes and prison visits for the purpose of crime prevention.
Organisation of sporting events.
Organisation of cultural events.
Organisation of recreational events.
Fundraising for specific projects.
Organisation of holidays for children in need.
President of the Association